🌸 Hi I am

Serena Ammendola

Front-end Developer based in Ireland

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You can find below some projects done with SheCodes πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸ’»

Weather project preview

Weather Project

This project was built with HTML, CSS, React, and API integration. It provides real-time weather and time for any city, along with the forecast for the upcoming week.

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World Clock Project

This project was built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and API integration. It displays the real-time and date for any selected location.

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World clock project preview
Dictionary preview preview

Dictionary Project

This project was builtwith HTML, CSS and React. Enter any word you would like to get all the related info!

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Motivational Quote Project

This project was built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, utilizing Axios for API calls and the Typewriter effect for a dynamic response provided by SheCodes AI. Enter a word and get a beautiful quote in return!

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Motivational quote preview preview